Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mental garbage...

As we age, the connections between our brain cells -- called synapses, which are formed during the process of learning -- begin to falter.  This means that we have increasing difficulty in retrieving memories as we get older.  Researchers believe that the deterioration of synapses is caused by extensive cell loss in various parts of our brain.
So…avoid mental trash.  Don't let your brain become a septic system for anything that does not feed your spirituality, stimulate your imagination, or make you a more compassionate peaceful person. Refuse to open your mind to other people's trash without investigating for yourself.  Tune out anything that promotes negativity or conflict, which spread cynicism and feelings of defeat.
Begin each day with something uplifting, intelligent, and motivational.  Do this for yourself and those around you deliberately.  This will set you up for a glorious day and you can easily saturate yourself with positive words from our Savior that fuel your energy and ignite your spirit.  He instructed us by saying “follow me” not “admire me” so take a few steps each day to follow His lead.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Saturation in Christ Part 1

Who do YOU think you are? Who do you think you are in Christ? 

He sees the struggle in your life. He walks with you through it. Even the days before you knew Him, before you acknowledged Him, He was there. He was there through all of the things you've done that you are ashamed of. Do you think He's disappointed in you? If He saw you the way YOU see you, your life would be in shambles, but because He loves you, you continue on. His forgiveness is there for the asking. However, understand that to truly mean "I'm sorry" is to mean "I regret what I've done and I will not do it again, with God's help."

Read some passages that will get you started on the right track: Ecclesiastes 2 (finding fulfillment elsewhere); 1 Peter 4 (living for worldly things); Romans 1(the results of sinful humanity)

When you're done, reflect on all those whom He called to do His good works. Have you ever heard of Moses, David, Isaiah, John the Baptist, Peter, or Paul? Feeling unworthy or unlovable is common among those who would otherwise be too humble to speak up and take the path He has designed for them. 

You can make changes in your life and begin today. You can decide to do something that will lead others to Christ, lead others to want a life like yours, lead others to seek a higher purpose. 

The world is filled with those who need daily affirmation of their worth, they need encouragement and they need the light of Christ. This is where you come in. Each day, plan to seek out opportunities to speak LIFE into those around you and those you pass on the street. 

Think about this: If your purpose is to reach only a single person and bring them to Christ and you are given just ONE opportunity to do it, are you going to fail? If you are not prepared to give an answer for your faith, a solid, believable answer, you could fail. 

Study some apologetic information,  prepare your answer in advance. Always be prepared to give an answer, ALWAYS. 

If YOU are that one person that was designed to reach that one other person, do you honestly want to fail at it? Be prepared to answer. 

1Peter 3:15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. 

You can learn to do this. You can. I know you're busy, I get it! I wrote that book. However, if you start now, you can prepare yourself for that moment when you are asked WHY you believe what you believe. Start with any typical question from an atheist: "Why does God allow pain and suffering?" "I believe there are many ways to God. Christians are arrogant to think their way is the only way!" "Why aren't there more Christians? How can the majority be wrong?" "Christians are intolerant." "I'm a good person, I love my family. Why do I need your Jesus?" 

There are many, many more. But I will help you in this series to understand the Christian beliefs in these matters. Together, we will examine each of the questions we might be faced with from both believers and non-believers.  We will work through them until you are confident that you are prepared to give an answer.