We often find ourselves searching for that one break, that one opportunity, the perfect networking meeting, that one connection...all so that we may succeed.
But what are we running toward? We must do and say the right things to obtain that one job that will pay enough money to buy those specific things that announce to the world: I have succeeded!
"You can be anything you want to be" <<<<< baloney!
(You can do nothing that goes against His plan. You can do nothing on your own power.)
"We are all winners!" <<<<<< baloney!
(No, we are not. Some of us choose to lose.)
"Everyone deserves a trophy!" <<<<< baloney!
(When we choose to lose, we deserve love and more information.)
You may be thinking: "Cassi, do you have a burr in your saddle today or what???"
Well, yeah. I do have a burr in my saddle.
When I see evidence every single day that my brothers and sisters are pursuing things that don't matter, pursuing more "stuff" so they can feel accomplished and be pleasing in the eyes of man. All of those things, the "stuff" you must have, the things that you deem more important than your relationships....they are temporary and attempting to amass all you possibly can to seek the approval of man is precisely what Satan wants you to do. He uses his power for evil and the love of money and material goods often distracts us completely from keeping our eyes on the prize! Stop for a moment and determine what YOU are running toward. Then look behind you at all the people you may have trampled on your way to get that "stuff." Think about what you will actually take with you when you leave this realm. I'll give you hint: It won't be something you can hold in your hand, something you can wear, drive, or eat. Learn to love and teach others to love. Above all else, THAT is what we were designed for. You will never do anything more important than loving God and the people He created.