Sunday, January 3, 2016

A Constant Work in Progress

Thanks be to God, above all else!

Well, there's a part of me that wants to say "It is finished!" (and maybe take a nap...or a bubble bath)...but the book (to the right of your screen) is much like the work that Christ is doing in us.  As He hones us into a beautiful masterpiece, He chips away the things that are not of Him and adds to us a little something here and a little something there...

The same thing applies when it comes to Lampstand: Pointing the Way to Christ. As relieved as I am to have inserted most of my notes, scribbles, research, pictures, citations, and references, I am sure that there will be much, much more going into this compilation of my last several years.  I pray you'll continue to extend your wonderful grace and patience as I work toward a more presentable work for the Lord. 

As I stated early on in the book, this will be a living, breathing, document that is forever changing based on recent research and findings.  THAT'S where YOU come in!

I pray that we all have an open mind and an open heart to receive whatever truths He has for us. If you come across reliable evidence that something should be added, removed, or changed in Lampstand: Pointing the Way to Christ, I trust that you will contact me and let me know.  I promise to receive  you with open arms and an open mind.  This project cannot work without you, His church and His people and we only want to share truth.  So I'm counting on you!  Thank you so much to the many, many people who have made this project FUN! 

I've had so many contributors, I pray I don't neglect anyone here:

Randy Goldenberg, Senior (and Founding) Pastor at Frederick Christian Fellowship Church in Frederick, MD.  If anyone were a greater inspiration for a Christian to train and grow in Apologetics, I have yet to meet them. Randy continues to deliver a convicting message and regularly submits himself to the torture of students with 1,000s of questions that he patiently answers.  We are truly blessed to know him!  Randy has a heart for Jesus like we've never experienced. He continuously strengthens our family's beliefs and helps us to courageously research anything/everything we can think of that we might question. He's taught us that science and history are NOT enemies of the Bible, but consistently confirm the reliability of the Scriptures.

My precious and mighty man of God: Karl (who is also my husband!) I could not have taken this journey without you.  You are so patient and always willing to pitch in! Thank you for the laughs, the learning, the research, the proofreading, and listening to me whine about the tedious tasks.  You are a saint!

My two angel girls: Chelsea and Grace.  You have been more helpful than  you even know and even though you'll probably deny it, you were instrumental in the completion of this project.  Thank you for the proofreading, the research, the typing, and the hugs and smiles when I needed it! 

My precious class and pilot study for Lampstand: Pointing the Way to Christ:

At the beginning of the pilot study, I told the participants that I wanted them to challenge any/everything they found with the text.  They were not afraid to step up!

Mary Lee Schumeyer, my precious co-facilitator, who read and proofread every page I handed you...You are so diligent and have such a passion for Apologetics, you truly inspire me!

Crystal Denlinger, our wonderful and very knowledgeable archaeologist in disguise, I am so thankful for you and the way the Lord puts us right where He wants us!  He knew that I needed you and I pray you don't run the other direction when I tell you that I have MUCH to learn from you!

Maggie Sayre, Joanne Phebus, Marie Reese, Jean Gonzalez, Darcy To and again, Chelsea Lovell: thank you for challenging me and keeping me on my toes!  This project has parts of you all over it!

I am so blessed to have been encouraged by numerous people and I do not take that lightly.  I am surrounded by those who cheer me on, laugh with me, cry with me, and encourage me when I'm wallowing in the mire.  Thank you for keeping me focused, Connie Barker, Rachel Ketterlinus, Marylee Heller, Tracey Egbert, and all my precious Sisters and Brothers in Christ who have seriously stood in the gap for me when I needed it!  I love you guys!

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