Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mental garbage...

As we age, the connections between our brain cells -- called synapses, which are formed during the process of learning -- begin to falter.  This means that we have increasing difficulty in retrieving memories as we get older.  Researchers believe that the deterioration of synapses is caused by extensive cell loss in various parts of our brain.
So…avoid mental trash.  Don't let your brain become a septic system for anything that does not feed your spirituality, stimulate your imagination, or make you a more compassionate peaceful person. Refuse to open your mind to other people's trash without investigating for yourself.  Tune out anything that promotes negativity or conflict, which spread cynicism and feelings of defeat.
Begin each day with something uplifting, intelligent, and motivational.  Do this for yourself and those around you deliberately.  This will set you up for a glorious day and you can easily saturate yourself with positive words from our Savior that fuel your energy and ignite your spirit.  He instructed us by saying “follow me” not “admire me” so take a few steps each day to follow His lead.